Sat January 13, 2024

By Jeff Smithpeters

Hope and Hempstead County getting ready for upcoming winter storm
Above photo:  Hope during the February 2021 snowfall by Shelly Short.

Preparations are underway now for the winter storm that, according to forecasters, is likely to arrive Sunday night in our area. 

Motorists may have noticed the state highways already glazed in white. This is a treatment with brine meant to head off frozen surfaces. Hope City Manager J.R. Wilson mentioned this and other measures being taken in the town: 

“The State has applied anti-freezing substance to state highways,” Wilso said in an email to SWARK.Today. “City Staff have pre-staged and readied equipment in the event it is needed. Department heads are preparing their departments to maintain services as possible. We encourage everyone to be safe and stay at home during severe inclement weather.” 

He also described services available if the worst happens.  “Citizens should call 911 if they need help or assistance.  Hope Connection, located across from the Hempstead County Law Enforcement Center, is open as a warming center. Other shelter may be available at Hope in Action.  First Responders are just a phone call away.” 

Meanwhile, at Hempstead County’s Office of Emergency Management, Coordinator Cathy Aaron said, “As of right now, Hempstead County Judge Jerry Crane and I are watching and waiting on updates from the National Weather Service as to the timing and possible amount of precipitation, which at this time, looks to be mainly snow for Hempstead County. Things have been changing by the hour. Arkansas Department of Transportation is treating the primary state highways through Hope/Hempstead County with brine.” 

Aaron also said to follow her facebook page for more information. Currently the site has many recent postings of weather forecasts and tips for winterizing your home. 

SWARK.Today will share information from Prescott and Nevada County officials when it becomes available.
