Hope Baking Co. announces $37 million expansion, 266 more jobs over two years
Hope Baking Company announced today it would be investing $37 million in a two-year expansion that will yield 266 new jobs. 

This news was announced in Hope Baking as Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders was in attendance alongside Hope Baking Company owner Dan Serra, Arkansas Economic Development Commission Director Clint O’Neal and Hope-Hempstead County Economic Development Director Anna Powell.  Many members of local government and Ark-La-Tex area media were also present in the crowded upstairs briefing room. 

Powell spoke first, describing her relationship with Hope Baking Company during her first months as Economic Development director: “Since its acquisition in March, I have had the privilege of getting to know Dan and learning about his passion for his employees, their lives and his entrepreneurial stories.” She then introduced Dan Serra. 

Serra, who wore a plaid short-sleeved shirt and dress pants said, “Hello, everybody. I'm probably the most dressed I've been in a very, very long time.” 

He said that since acquiring and starting work in Hope he had been “overwhelmed” by the extent to which Hope’s leadership has offered help. “If it wasn't for these two gentlemen in the corner, Steve [Atchley, of the Hempstead County Quorum Court] and Mark [Ross, City Director], I wouldn't have been here. When I came here a year ago, those two gentlemen came up to me. And they said, ‘We're going to help you. We can do it.’ And I have to tell you since they said that, it's been a steady stream. 

“It’s been Anna [Powell.] It’s been Danny [Watson, Arkansas State Representative].  While Anna is gracious in thanking me, I’m nobody if we don't have the dedicated staff and the people to help us. So it's because of the people that live here in Hempstead County in Hope, Arkansas, that have enabled us and helped us get to where we are, which is why we're going to do even more now and invest another $40 million to get this bakery back to where it should be and creating an additional 266 jobs.” 

Serra closed by thanking Governor Huckabee, County Judge Jerry Crane and Hope Mayor Don Still.  “We want to be the part of the legacy of Hope,” he said. “And we want to be here for another 75 to 100 years. So thank you very much.” 

Speaking next was Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, having just come from a full day in Hope, visiting two downtown businesses, Beryl Henry Elementary and Hope Livestock Auction, then touring Hope’s Amtrak Station and the manufacturing floor of Hope Baking Company. In introducing her, Powell credited her with clearing red tape to help make business expansions more likely. 

Huckabee addressed the company’s owner. “Dan, we are so grateful for your willingness not just to invest, but to reinvest. And to double down on what you are doing here. I can assure you that the people of Hope will not let you down. You will be so thankful, and you will be better because you came here and because of the expansion that you're making … You may not be from the south and certainly not from Arkansas. But I can tell already that you are going to fit in really well.” 

Clint O’Neal, addressing Powell said, “You've been on the job in the world of the Economic Development profession for what, seven or eight months now? Not a lot of economic developers around the state can say in their first seven months they landed a $40 million investment and 266 new jobs. So congrats to you and to the community of Hope.” 

Construction work is already underway on the grounds of Hope Baking to effect the expansion. It began at the end of 2023. 

