Tue April 07, 2020

By Bren Yocom


Hope Chamber of Commerce Promotes Four Spirit-Lifting Ideas That We Can do Together

Hope Chamber Of Commerce Covid 19
Hope Chamber of Commerce Promotes Four Spirit-Lifting Ideas That We Can do Together

If you've been watching their facebook page lately, you've seen that the Hope Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce has been very busy thinking outside the box and coming up with fun, creative ideas for everyone in our community to take part in.

In an effort to encourage a sense of togetherness during these uncertain times, they are promoting a "Together We Can" campaign for young and old to participate. If you are searching for ways to get involved and just don't know where to start, these are some great ideas to point you in the right direction! And the best thing about it?? You can still practice social distancing and have no contact with anyone!

So, grab that sidewalk chalk, sharpen those pencils, think of how to donate time or supplies you might have on hand to someone in need and take just a second of your day to brighten someone else's! Be sure to post your pics and tag the chamber so they can share it and don't forget to hashtag #togetherwecan or #hopestrong.

1) SIDEWALK CHALK MESSAGES OF HOPE: Do you have sidewalk chalk? Encourage your children to write messages of love and encouragement on sidewalks. (at home/at your business…) #chalkandcheer. Businesses may take this a bit further and write messages on windows! Few hashtag ideas: #togetherwecan/#hopestrong (Post your pics & let us know, so the chamber can post your pics on the Hope Chamber Facebook Page)

2) BLESSINGS IN A BASKET: (ONGOING) Drop off cards and notes for our precious residents at our assisted living facilities as well as at-home care and Wadley. The chamber is open each day from 10:00-1:00. The Blessings Basket sits right inside the front door. No contact with anyone if you drop off cards/notes.

3) SWEET ENCOURAGEMENT: Small baggies filled with candy and a note of encouragement to be distributed to our frontline heroes! Again, a basket inside the chamber will allow you to drop off your creations without coming in contact with anyone.

4) MASKS OF HOPE: We are still in great need of face masks! Many seamstresses in Hope are working on masks, so we are encouraging you to do the following if you would like to help in this area: (Chamber will serve as the drop-off point.) Questions? Email Mittie Harris (point person for Masks of Hope) at mittieharris311@gmailcom.
a. If you have masks readily available, please let the chamber know. 870.777.3640. You may leave a message if no one is here to answer.
b. If you have a machine that is not in use, we have those who want to make masks, but they have no machine. Willing to donate or loan? Let us know.
c. Donations of fabric (needed)
d. Supplies: Elastic, thread, Ziploc bags to place masks for delivery
e. Monetary donations accepted. (All contributions, materials or monetary, will be accepted at the chamber.)
