Wed July 21, 2021

By Jordan Woodson


Hope City Board approves of a $10 million bond issue with Hope Water & Light after public hearing

Hope City Board Hope Water Amp Light Public Hearing
Hope City Board approves of a $10 million bond issue with Hope Water & Light after public hearing
The Hope City Board of Directors approved of a $10 million bond issue with Hope Water & Light (HWL) to be used for the construction funding for their Fiber-To-The-Home (FTTH) project.

The FTTH project will use fiber optic communications systems that plans to initially provide voice, broadband and data services to HWL customers.

The Board also approved of an ordinance for the rezoning at 1404 S. Main St. from a Matthew Young to turn it from an office commercial property to a general trail property to allow for a new childcare/learning center. The board approved of the ordinance.

The Board had a discussion over what the Outdoor Recreation Grant proposal should go towards based on the needs brought up by Hope citizens at a public hearing that was held last month. Vice Mayor Kiffenea Talley was very interested in the splash pad ideas that was brought up at the public hearing. Parks and Recreation Director Summer Powell brought up that other suggestions from the public hearing that were brought up were baseball and soccer field repairs, a downtown pocket park and a walking trail. The Board will discuss it more at a later date, but the application must be submitted by Aug. 27.

The Board also discussed what could be used for the possible $1.98 million dollars the City of Hope could be getting from the American Rescue Plan funds (ARPA). The categories of projects these funds could go towards are premium pay, water infrastructure, sewer infrastructure, and broadband. There was no final decision made by the Board yet as to what they want it to be used for.