Mon March 16, 2020

By Bren Yocom


Hope City Board to Meet Tuesday, March 17, 2020

City Of Hope City Of Hope Board
Hope City Board to Meet Tuesday, March 17, 2020
The City of Hope Board Meeting  remains scheduled  for Tuesday March 17 at 7 PM at City Hall. The Meeting is open to the public.

Citizens unable to attend but would like to comment on an agenda item may call 870-777-6701 during office hours or email [email protected] and provide their questions and or comments.

People running a fever or exhibiting signs of illness should not attend. People that choose to attend should remain 6 feet from other parties in attendance.  Thank you for your cooperation as City business is conducted. We appreciate your understanding.

The agenda for March 17, 2020 is as follows:

City of Hope
Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 7:00 PM
City Hall Board Room

Item 1: Call to Order
Item 2: Invocation
Item 3: Pledge of Allegiance
Item 4: Review Minutes of March 3, 2020 Board Meeting
Item 5: Consider Bids: Park Mowers
Item 6: Consider Bids: Asphalt Overlay
Item 7: Consider Bids: Cold Milling
Item 8: Consider Bids: Vegetation Management
Item 9: Consider Bids: Challenger Continer Loader
Item 10: Consider Bids: Skidsteer
Item 11: City Manager's Report
Item 12: Citizen's Requests
