Wed April 26, 2023

By Jeff Smithpeters

Hope Community Coffee held at Walmart today

Digital Coach Kevin Hollingsworth and another Walmart Plus Associate stand at the information table during the Hope-Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce Community Coffee this morning.

This week’s Hope-Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce Community Coffee took place at Walmart’s Hope location. 

As Walmart Digital Coach Kevin Hollingsworth said, the coffee was given to promote Walmart Plus, which he described. “It is a subscription service, but it does give you several options. Murphy's is now offering 10 cents off every gallon of gas you get. When we do get delivery here from the store, it'll be free delivery from the store. It is already free two day shipping.”

Among the goodies served were donuts of several varieties (including a batch with icing that was in the company’s colors), fruit plates, mini-cinnamon rolls, mini-muffins, fresh strawberries and blueberries, coffee, juice and chilled water. Hollingsworth said all the items were either baked in Walmart’s bakery or were available on the store shelves.

Also available was information about the Walmart Plus service in the form of signs and pamphlets.  Hollingsworth said Walmart Plus is also a way its members can become more informed about Walmart’s sales and take advantage of an introductory deal from a satellite radio network. “You get early access to the Black Friday deals and any other specials that are going on. You get 12 hours early access to Black Friday deals. They come out with all sorts of things every couple of months. Right now, up until mid-Mayhe, they're given six months free of Sirius XM.”