Fri July 21, 2023

By Bren Yocom


Hope Downtown Network Appoints New Officers

Hope Downtown Network Hope Ar
Hope Downtown Network Appoints New Officers

The Hope Downtown Network held their monthly meeting at the Tailgaters Annex Building last night to discuss general business and appoint their new officers for 2023-2024.

President Mark Ross called the meeting to order and after the approval of the minutes and financial statement, new officers were nominated and elected. Mark Ross rolled from Vice President to President, taking the place of John SItzes, Barbara Noble was appointed 1st Vice President, with Beckie Moore as 2nd Vice President. The new secretary is Janna Fisher and Treasurer, Kim Hollis.

Barbara Noble gave an update on A Taste of Hope, which will be held downtown October 7, saying it is coming along well with lots of civic club interest in volunteering and there are many different events in the works.

They then discussed an investor drive, challenging downtown network members to bring a visitor to the next meeting and work on increasing investors. Toby Neff gave an update on upcoming projects, discussing touching up the paint on handrails and painting the uprights at the HUB.

The next meeting will be held August 17, 2023 in the Tailgaters Annex Building.
