Sun July 16, 2023

By Jeff Smithpeters

Hope Housing Authority Board makes Zach Hicks Interim Director


Saturday, July 15, 2023, Hope, Arkansas The Hope Housing Authority (HHA) Commissioners
held a called ZOOM meeting at 1:00 PM today to work on transition plans that have been
needed since the release of former HHA Executive Director, Leola Graves. Commissioners
present were Kim Hollis, Connie Jefferson, and Beckie Moore. Zach Hicks, an HHA employee,
was also present.

Commissioner Beckie Moore, acting chair, began the meeting with the following statement,
“We are the governing body of the housing authority. Therefore, the next steps fall to us.”
There was discussion that followed prior to the commission stating in full agreement that Zach
Hicks will serve as Interim Director during the transition period, which is an extremely critical
time for HHA."

Commissioners spoke to the need to provide full commitment and encouragement to the
housing authority employees. Plans are in place to visit with the employees and address their
questions and concerns.

The meeting concluded with the Commissioners committing to serving the HHA and its
residents to the best of their ability.
