Tue June 29, 2021

By Jordan Woodson


Hope Lions Club hosts annual Officer & Board Member Installation Banquet

Hope Lions Club Lions Officer Installation Banquet
Hope Lions Club hosts annual Officer & Board Member Installation Banquet
The Hope Lions Club hosted their annual Officer & Board Member Installation Banquet Monday evening at Hempstead Hall where they announced their elected officers and board members for the upcoming year.

Awards were also presented that night where Eddie Garcia was presented with the Lion of the Year award. Dave Phillips and Jason Jobe were presented with the Edwin Dalstrom Award while Claudia Griffin, Ed Flagg, and Ken Shafer were presented with the Melvin Jones Award.

The board officers and board members were announced using a slide show of different famous cartoon and comic book characters to represent each position and person, which can all be seen in the photos below.

The Lions Club 2021/2022 Officers & Board Members are as followed:

Janet Choate

1st Vice-president
Charles Looney

2nd Vice-president
Steve Montgomery

3rd Vice-president
Milko Smith

John Collier

Assistant Secretary
Karen Smith

Bobby Loe

Assistant Treasurer
Hunter Johnson

Tail Twisters
Dustin Brewer
Eddie Garcia
Craig Robinson (honorary)

Lion Tamers
Ed Flagg
Jack Still

Safety & Emergency Response Officer
Ken Shafer

LCIF Chair
Jason Jobe

Global Services Team Coor.
Claudia Griffin

Global Membership Team Coor.
Don Freel

Marketing & Communication
Mark Keith

Board Members
Bill Byrd
Elaine Cross
Dave Phillips
Sheba Smith
Jack Gathright
Carolynn Harper
Nancy Bailey
Josie Carlton
James Griffen

Photos by Jordan Woodson
