Fri July 31, 2020

By Shelly B Short


Hope Lions Club Inducts New Officer

Hope Lions Club
Hope Lions Club Inducts New Officer

By Mark Ross

The Hope Lions Club recently held their 2020-2021 new Officers Introduction Ceremony. Due to the Covid19 social distancing policies, the meeting and introductions were held via a Zoom broadcast. The new officers were sworn in by  the Lions State Past District Governor Claudia Griffin. The new officers are:

President - Mark Ross

1st Vice President - Janet Choate

2nd Vice President - Charles Looney

3rd Vice President - Steve Montgomery

Secretary - John Collier

Asst. Secretary - Gene Haymon

Treasurer - Bobby Loe

Asst. Treasurer - John Trauger

Global Membership Team Coordinator - Steve Atchley

Global Service Team Coordinator- Claudia Griffin

Tail Twister - Richard Read

Tail Twister - Craig Robinson

Lion Tamer - Jack Still

Lion Tamer - Don Freel

Marketing and Communications - Mark Keith

LCIF Chairman - Jim Gunter

Past President - Nathan Gerth

Directors 2023:  Bill Byrd, Milko Smith, Karen Smith,                     

Directors 2022:  Jack Gathright, Eddie Garcia, Nancy Shanks

Directors 2021:  Ken Shafer, Jason Jobe, Ed Flagg
