The Hope Lions Club held its annual officer induction and awards banquet last night at Hempstead Hall. The club named its 2024-25 officers and gave awards to worth recipients for their charitable work within the service club.
After a dinner of prime rib, fresh green beans, potato casserole and a roll served with iced tea, the program got under way with a welcome by President Milko Smith and an opening prayer by Past Council Chair Jim Gunter, then an introduction of guests.
The Awards Presentations began with recognition of those with at least a year or more of perfect attendance at Lions Club meetings. John Collier and Claudia Griffin hold the distinction of 17 years perfect attendance with James Griffin at 19.
The Roy Kumpe Award, named for the founder of World Services for the Blind, was given to five recipients this year, T.J. and Susan Fackler, President Milko Smith, John Gladden and John Hicks. Winners of the Dalstrom Award for distinguished service were Richard Reid, Judy Clayton, Ed Flagg and Mary Hughes.
The Melvin Jones Awards for service to club and community went to Jessica Trauger, an Evening Lions Club member; Milko Smith; Jason Jobe; Debbie Marsh and the late Glenn Woodruff. Woodruff’s daughter, Jillian Woodruff, accepted the award on his behalf.
Lion of the Year for 2024 was awarded to Judy Clayton. Charles Looney, last year’s winner and this year’s presenter said “Last year's Lions International motto is ‘Where there's a need, there's a Lion,’ so this year's Lion of the year epitomizes that service to our group. I couldn't tell you a person who worked as hard and wherever there's a need, she's there.”
Next, several new Leo Club members were inducted into their respective offices by Past District Governor Claudia Griffin. These were students from Garrett Memorial Christian School. Secretary Madison Faulkner, Vice Presidents Addy Peek and Natalie Chunn, Board members Heaven Garcia and Raylee Adkison, Photographer Katie Holland, Chaplain Silbi Jones and President Abbi Brewer.
The Hope Lions officers were then inducted and apprised of their duties by Assistant Secretary John Collier. These included Vice Presidents James Bradford, Jason Jobe and Josie Carlton; Board Member Judy Clayton; Secretary Karen Smith; Treasurer Debbie Marsh; Lion Tamer T.J. Fackler; Tail Twister Mary Hughes; Membership Chair Mark Ross; Service chair Claudia Griffin; Marketing and Media John Collier; Safety Chair and Emergency Response Officer Robin Lee; Lions Club International Foundation Officer Richard Reid; Past President Milko Smith and President Steve Atchley.
Ed Flagg received a mentorship award from T.J. Fackler.
After these inductions, Richard Allen gave the benediction.
Outgoing Lions President Milko Smith welcomes the attendees.