Tue August 08, 2023

By Bren Yocom


Hope Lions Hear From Kimberlyn Smith and Craig Robinson at Monday Meeting

Hope Lions Club
Hope Lions Hear From Kimberlyn Smith and Craig Robinson at Monday Meeting
  • The Hope Lions Club heard from a member on Monday and a special guest. Lions Craig Robinson told the club he would be moving from Hope to work with Lions World Services for the Blind in Little Rock. The club gave Robinson a standing ovation after he told them his news and noted how much he’d enjoyed being a Lion. Robinson has been a very active member of the club for several years.

    Smith is a breast cancer survivor and she explained she helps to mentor those who have suffered from the disease.  She’s worked with around 8 ladies who have had breast cancer and she noted all have recovered. Smith said she’d like to help form a group for the specific aim at mentoring more ladies who suffer from breast cancer. She also said she hopes to start a “breast cancer walk” on the last Saturday in October to raise awareness to the disease. Smith works in the pharmacy at Wal-Mart and she’d be happy to visit with anyone who wants to help with the walk or starting a mentoring group.
