Wed May 24, 2023

By Jeff Smithpeters


Hope Lions to put on fish fry tomorrow in Fair Park Coliseum, to raise funds for Charitable Christian Medical Clinic

Hope Coliseum Lions Club Fish Fry Charitable Christian Medical Clinic
Hope Lions to put on fish fry tomorrow in Fair Park Coliseum, to raise funds for Charitable Christian Medical Clinic

A photo from last year's Lions Club Fish Fry Fundraiser for Charitable Christian Medical Clinic of Hope which took place May 26, 2022.

Starting at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow, the Hope Lions Club will be serving expertly fried fish at Fair Park Coliseum. Proceeds will go to the Charitable Christian Medical Clinic of Hope. Located on 114 South Main, the clinic treats patients and charges based on a sliding scale adjusted to patients' incomes.

Twelve dollars will buy you fried fish, slaw, hushpuppies and baked beans. You need not have already bought a ticket to be served.
