Mon November 06, 2023

By Bren Yocom


Hope Methodist Church Hosts New Beginnings Supper

Hope Methodist Church New Beginnings Supper
Hope Methodist Church Hosts New Beginnings Supper
On Sunday, November 5th, 2023 the Hope Methodist Church (HMC) hosted our first New Beginnings Supper. Eight (8) area churches who have completed the disaffiliation process from the Arkansas Conference of United Methodist Churches came together for fellowship, food, singing and worship. Those churches are Avery’s Chapel, Bruce Memorial, Harmony, Hinton, HMC, Midway, Sweet Home, and Washington. Each congregation feels so blessed to be part of this larger congregation of Methodists in Southwest Arkansas.

The evening began with singing from the Cokesbury Hymnal led by Don Still with accompaniment by Martha Burke on the piano. After an opening prayer and blessing of the meal by Don Still, a potluck meal provided by all participants was enjoyed. Pastor Joe Miller
brought us a wonderful message and the evening concluded with more songs from the Cokesbury Hymnal. Everyone in attendance agreed this should be the first of many gatherings to celebrate and support each other as we bring the word and work of our Lord to
our communities. We are looking forward to both individual and collective ministries of our congregations to impact the lives of others.
