Thu October 26, 2023

By Jeff Smithpeters

Community Announcements

Hope native introduces Bill Clinton at today's AmeriCorps anniversary celebration

Bill Clinton Sarah Campbell Americorps 30Th Anniversary Speeches
Hope native introduces Bill Clinton at today's AmeriCorps anniversary celebration
Hope native and leader of AmeriCorps Volunteers in Service to America on the Southern Arkansas University campus, Sarah Dudley introduced former Arkansas governor and former US president Bill Clinton at a celebration of the 30th anniversary of Clinton's signing into law of the act that established AmeriCorps. That organization performs services in communities and was intended to be the domestic counterpart of the Peace Corps. 

The event took place at the Clinton Center in Little Rock.

Sarah Dudley, spoke of the rewards of her job working in AmeriCorps at Southern Arkansas University in Magnolia.  "I've been serving through AmeriCorps for the past two and a half years. I've always been passionate about serving others, but my experience with AmeriCorps has changed my perspective on what it means to take action to serve those in need, and put people first," Dudley said.

She explained that she had begun her work with the Boys and Girls Clubs of Magnolia, guiding local volunteers to become mentors for youngsters in need of help with their studies. One kindergartener Dudley had gotten to know was given the task to write Mother's Day card for her mother.

"She told me her mom was in jail, and she never got to see her. So I asked her who she wanted to make the card for. I told her she could give the car to anybody that she thought loved her and cared for her. She thought for a second. And then she looked up at me and she said, 'Miss Dudley, can I make this card for you?' I was blown away. I spent two and a half hours a day four days a week with this child, and she felt that I loved and cared for her enough to deserve her Mother's Day card."

As AmeriCorps VISTA leader in Magnolia, Dudley spoke of the many efforts to help that community that she and 60 members with as many as 240 summer associates have been involved with. These ongoing projects have included the Mulerider Market food pantry that has served 1,500 students, a community garden, the Mulerider Express transportation service, the Career Closet where students can be provided with professional attire.  The organization there has also helped with the town's parks and has begun a program providing mental health resources, foster care help and continued tutoring through the Boys and Girls clubs. It has also contributed to the revising of domestic violence shelter policies.

Dudley said in closing, "Thank you so much to President Clinton for the service he completed in implementing AmeriCorps 30 years ago. My VISTA team and I would not be able to serve as we do without your commitment to service your get things done attitude and application Shouldn't have changed the world for better. And for your work, we are truly grateful"
