Tue August 11, 2020

By Bren Yocom


Hope Public Schools Get Ready for the New Year

Hope Public Schools
Hope Public Schools Get Ready for the New Year
  • Getting Ready for the New Year

    Hope Public Schools teachers and staff have been on campus at each of the six schools in the district making preparation for the beginning of classes on Aug. 24 while observing protocols for COVID-19 safety. Clinton Primary School third grade teacher Jodi Willis has her classroom socially spaced and has assigned individual school supply bins for each student, illustrating the general protocol for classrooms at CPS; while Hope Academy of Public Service Computer Facilitator Mayra Garcia begins working on the look and usage of her classroom.  All campuses will be configured for the return of students based upon Arkansas Department of Health, Centers for Disease Control, and Arkansas Department of Education guidance.

    First Open House

    Students and parents began learning the protocols for the return to school on the Hope High School campus here Monday in the first of four days of Open House appointments through Thursday. Temperature screenings at the main office entrance were the first thing encountered as masks and screenings were required of everyone entering the buildings. Open House appointments will be set for students between 3:30 – 7:30 p.m. each day where students received supplies backpacks and Chromebooks, and parents completed critical data forms. Classes for the 2020-2021 academic year begin statewide Aug. 24.

    Loads of Supplies

    Hundreds of pounds of school supplies, equipment and protective materials have arrived on Hope Public Schools campuses almost daily in preparation for the return to school on Aug. 24 under Arkansas Department of Health, CDC, and Arkansas Department of Education safety protocols in response to the COVID-19 crisis. All HPS faculty, staff, and students will be issued three personal face masks each for use on campus daily; building entrance thermal scanners will be installed on campuses; social distancing and personal hygiene safety signage will be displayed on all campuses; and, all students will be issued school supply backpacks, Chromebooks and other items for use either on campus or in virtual attendance.
