Fri January 24, 2025

By Bren Yocom

Education Hope

Hope Public Schools Releases 2025-2026 School Calendar

Hps Hope Public Schools Hope School District
Hope Public Schools Releases 2025-2026 School Calendar
HOPE, AR - January 24, 2025 - Hope Public Schools presents the 2025-2026 School Calendar. Certified and Classified staff voted by an overwhelming 87% for this calendar option. Students will start school on August 4, 2025. Last day of class will be May 29, 2026. Throughout the year, extended breaks will give students the opportunity to relax while still maintaining their learning objectives. Professional development days spread across the school year provide teachers with opportunities to grow and share data for improved instruction. The calendar provides for more than the minimum state-required student-contact hours while also providing the required number of teacher contract days.

Student Break Days Include the following (Students are NOT in school):
SEP 01 - Labor Day
SEP 02 - Teacher PD Day
OCT 06-10 - Fall Break
OCT 13 - Teacher PD Day
OCT 17 - Day after Parent/Teacher Conferences
NOV 24-28 - Thanksgiving Break
DEC 22-JAN 02 - Christmas Break
JAN 05-06 - Teacher PD Days
JAN 19 - Martin Luther King Jr Day
FEB 13-FEB 17 - Winter Break (FEB 17 Teacher PD Day)
MAR 20 - Day after Parent/Teacher Conferences
MAR 23-27 - Spring Break
APR 3 - Good Friday
APR 6 - Teacher PD Day
MAY 25 - Memorial Day

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