Hope Tourism Commission approves chance at national TV promotion via Dennis Quaid-hosted documentary segment
In a called meeting of the Hope Advertising and Tourist Promotion Commission Friday morning, Hope-Hempstead County Economic Development Corporation Executive Director Anna Powell brought the commission a chance at a national television spot that will run at least once on such channels as MSNBC, CNBC and 400 times on other networks. 

The short-form documentary segment of three to five minutes, hosted by actor Dennis Quaid, would also be sent to public television affiliates in every state. 

Although at first the commissioners balked on the idea of spending up to $29,300 (which includes $2,300 in the event travel is necessary) on the segment as the city is about to campaign for a one cent sales tax to fund a new fire department headquarters, a aquatic/recreation center and major upgrades to the city’s parks. 

During her presentation, delivered by remote internet connection to five commissioners meeting in city hall’s boardroom and two who were on a remote internet connection themselves, Powell spoke of the need for Hope to engage in promotions of itself that were outside the usual ways Hope has marketed itself in the past. She said Hope had not had a national presence in the media since the careers of Bill Clinton and Mike Huckabee brought the town free attention, but those instances occurred decades ago. She also emphasized the need to bring higher-income tourists into town to spend money, some of which would cycle back to Hope through its tourism tax on hotels and restaurants. 

There isn't a guarantee Hope will be chosen for the segment, Powell said, but in speaking to producer Anthony Davis she said she was told only a couple other rural towns were being considered.

As well as the timing of the spending, commissioners were also concerned about the commission bearing the cost alone.  Commissioner Steve Montgomery pointed to this issue, recounting the failure of an attempt to get voters to approve a sales tax for Hope-Hempstead County Economic Development Corporation over a year ago. Mayor Don Still, a member of the commission suggested it seek funding from Arkansas Great Southwest, an association of towns and counties in southwest Arkansas in the event the city is chosen by the production company Viewpoint for the segment. 

But Still and Commissioner Trevor Coffee began to lean more toward approving Hope’s participation in the project the more they heard from Powell and read from the information packet Vision provided.  Still, saying his phone charge was about to wear down, made the motion to approve the project with Coffee seconding.  Of the commissioners, Steve Montgomery, Charlton Luker, Chair Sharon Caldwell, Mayor Don Still and Trevor Coffee voted in favor and Milko Smith voted against. 

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