Tue July 28, 2020

By Dillan Kelsey


Hope Tourism Commission Discusses Permits & HDN Mural Project

Hope Downtown Network Hope Tourism Board Hdn
Hope Tourism Commission Discusses Permits & HDN Mural Project
The Hope Tourism Commission met Tuesday June 28 via Zoom at 5pm. The commission reviewed the minutes from last meeting and a motion was made and they were approved. June revenue and expenses were reviewed by the members and they moved onto the next item.

City Manager Catherine Cook shared that the city is doing well with receiving required permit payments. Angelos Italian Restaurant has caught up and paid their dues. Documents showed that Little Caesars in Hope is 3 months behind on their payments and have been notified that the request to revoke their permit has been sent to the commission. Businesses have a 10 day time period to schedule a meeting after revocation notifications to discuss catching up on payments, but Little Caesar’s has failed to do so. A motion was made and the members voted for revocation of their permit.

A team met with representatives from Main Street on Thursday July 16 in Hope to discuss the placements of the murals. HDN will apply for a grant through Main Street that would add an additional $10,000 to the project. Sharon Caldwell suggested the topic be put on hold for later discussion to allow time to for application for the grant.

The commission reviewed the presented locations but tabled the item for next meeting as more information on locations for the billboards becomes available.

The meeting was adjourned and the commission with gather again next month for their to discuss these topics further.
