Tue April 20, 2021

By Shelly B Short


Hope's Troop 5 has Fun Camping on the Farm

Scout Troop 5 Camping Fishing
Hope's Troop 5 has Fun Camping on the Farm
Lester Sitzes

Hope's Troop 5 went camping at Dr. Donald Sitzes' farm near Tollette April
9-11.  Catching fish, staying in tents, learning knots, having fun and
cooking and eating lots of good food kept the Scouts busy for the weekend.

Ed Flagg provided 30 pounds of catfish for the fish fry, Big Jake's donated
peanut oil and the Scouts and Troop provided the trimmings including French
fries, onion rings, corn fritters, okra and cole slaw. Dr. Sitzes' cousin
Ronnie Smith made home made hush puppies.  Andrew Golden, Ed Flagg and
Ronnie Smith cooked for the fish fry. The Scouts and Dr. Sitzes cooked all
the other meals for the weekend.

Cub Scout Pack of Hope also attended the Saturday events of fishing and the
fish fry. Over 30 Pack 5 attendees grilled hamburgers, caught lots of fish
and were guests for the fish fry.  Cub Master Les Patterson coordinated the

Attending were:    Emma Wright, Senior Patrol Leader; D'Aunna Golden,
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader; Riley Golden, Makenzi Golden, Hunter Mathis,
Drake Mathis, Joshua Henley, Mary Martinez, Melody Martinez, Renay Clark,
Everly Davis, Zach Davis, Jessilynn Schmid, Sterling Sawyer,  Donnie and
Jerrilynn Golden, Robert and Betty Wright, Chris Golden, Roy and Martha
Golden, Ken and Naida Shafer,  Ed Flagg, Nathan Phillips, Andrew Golden,
Ronnie Smith, Shannon Smith, Dr. Donald Sitzes, Marilyn, John, Allison, Will
and Mack Sitzes, Jordan Sitzes and family, Alex Smith, Karen Smith,
Scoutmaster; and Dr. Lester Sitzes III.    Cubmaster Les Patterson had
several adult leaders and guests including Alan and Greg Martin.

Donnie Golden also cooked ribs and brisket and had several guests including
Steve and Laci Buck.   

Scout Troop 5 and Cub Pack 5 are sponsored by the Century Bible Class of
Hope's First United Methodist Church.
