Thu December 03, 2020

By Bren Yocom


HPD Chief Wilson Appointed to Firearm Committee for International Association of Chiefs of Police

Hpd Chief Wilson International Association Of Chiefs Of Police Firearm Committee
HPD Chief Wilson Appointed to Firearm Committee for International Association of Chiefs of Police

Hope Chief of Police JR Wilson

Hope, Arkansas Police Chief JR Wilson was recently appointed by IACP President, Chief Cynthia Renaud, to serve on the Firearms Committee for the International Association of Chiefs of Police.

This will require a 2-3 year commitment to help research, assess, identify and propose initiatives to improve public safety with respect to firearms related issues.

Chief Wilson stated, “I am very honored to be selected to serve on this important committee and look forward to working with Committee Chair, Chief William Brooks of Norwood, MA and the other members. I first met Chief Brooks a few years back while attending an Eye Witness Identification Symposium on the campus of Yale Law School. Since that time, Chief Brooks has traveled to Arkansas on a few occasions to support local Arkansas Association of Chiefs of Police initiatives. During my tenure of public service, it has always been my goal to serve my community, state and nation to the best of my ability. The opportunity to work with this committee is another step in the furtherance of that goal. Certainly our Nation and international partners face many challenges as well as diversity of opinion, but there is ‘Hope’ for a better world in service of a noble cause with a common purpose. Public Safety is such a cause."
