Thu April 30, 2020

By Bren Yocom


HPS online survey available

Hope Public Schools
HPS online survey available

HOPE — A survey of parents of Hope Public Schools students has been made available online to garner feedback regarding HPS operations during the COVID-19 closure of public schools in Arkansas.

“We want parent feedback on how we are performing during this shutdown,” HPS Superintendent Dr. Bobby Hart said in an April 28 announcement. “We will use the data to improve our practices for the future.”

The link is embedded in a notice under the News section of each campus website, and in the Live Feed section of the district website, accessible via the “School” button at the top right of the district website.

The brief survey mainly concerns parental reaction to their student(s’) ability to complete coursework through the Alternative Method of Instruction process which the district put into place in March to provide hard copy and online instructional tasks for students.

The survey is completely anonymous, Dr. Hart said. Yerger Middle School Principal Mike Radebaugh coordinated the production of the survey with other campus principals.

The survey link is available on each campus website at online.
