Tue October 11, 2022

By Jeff Smithpeters


Huckabee Sanders releases public safety plan

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Public Safety Plan
Huckabee Sanders releases public safety plan

A photo of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Republican nominee from Arkansas governor, bidding for a watermelon at the 2022 Hope Watermelon Festival August 13.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark.—Sarah Huckabee Sanders today released her public safety plan for the state that outlines what she would do as governor to reduce violent crime, hold criminals accountable, and make Arkansas a safer, stronger place to live, work, and raise a family.

“Making Arkansas one of the best states in the country to live, work, and raise a family starts with making sure families feel safe,” Sanders said. “And right now, our state has a serious crime problem. Violent crime is on the rise and deadly, illegal drugs are flooding our communities, which is why as governor, I will close loopholes in our parole system, be an advocate for victims, support our men and women in law enforcement, and never defund the police.”

Details about the plan for a Safer, Stronger Arkansas may be found at sarahforgovernor.com/safer
