Is God Real?

Pastor Daniel Bramlett

The existence of God is a topic that has become hotter and hotter with each passing generation. When Marx said “religion is the opium of the masses,” he was most definitely in the minority. Not so today. Today we have a new category Marx had never heard of. We call them the “Nones.” They are the ones who mark “nothing” on the census when it comes to religion. They don’t adhere to any Church and they don’t use any Higher Power language. The “none” crowd isn’t the only group growing today. We also see what I call new pop- up religions by the dozen. Satanists are making a comeback. New Age has several spinoffs. Environmentalists are approaching worship status with their treatment of the Earth. People are even worshipping themselves these days. I read a quote from the Gov. of California today that implies such worship: “I have an incredibly strong sense of faith that is perennial: day in and day out, every day of my life. And so I don’t feel the need to exercise that formally in a symbolic setting, a church.” My question to him and so many others who feel the same would be “Who are you worshipping?” If you won’t agree to abide by the the boundaries God has established, you probably aren’t worshipping Him. You can use His words all day long, but if you think so little of Him you feel comfortable rewriting His commands, yours probably isn’t a biblical faith.

The question remains, is God real? Does He even care about how or what or who we worship? Does it matter that we spend the currency of our lives on our own goals, plans and ideas? If God is real, is Heaven a real place and is it reserved for those who know God? Do you ever wonder about these questions and the thousand others that cloud our thinking and culture today? 

Reader, I can promise you God is real. I know this on a hundred different accounts. I am as sure of His existence as I am sure of the oxygen we are breathing. But you don’t have to take my word for it. The Bible speaks for itself. The story of millions who’ve spent their lives for the Lord speak loudly. All of the sciences lean toward the reality of a Creator, a Designer and an Overseer. And He isn’t someone we’ve stumbled onto. Since the beginning of time God has revealed Himself to us. 

Why would He do that? Why does God reveal Himself to us? So that we can know Him and be changed by Him. The number one way that takes place is through love, not science or understanding or factual evidence. Paul says in 1 Corinthians “If anyone thinks he has a handle on this subject, he does not. So just put what you think you know aside. But if anyone loves God, he is known by God.” Whew! We like to argue for the existence of someone based on birth certificates, criminal records, land deeds…we know they existed because they did something and we have proof of their actions. But God goes way beyond this! We can’t look up His records at the county medical unit. Our knowledge of God is based on our relationship with Him…if we love Him, we know Him, and vice versa. 

What is lovely about God? We don’t have the angel’s perspective yet. We can’t describe Him as if we’ve been face to face. All we have is what He’s shown us, but that’s plenty! God is loving in the way He cares for and provides for us. The fact that He pursues us is proof of His love. The way He disciplines us shows that He cares for us like one of His own children. The way He defends us speaks loudly of His protective love. Just God offering us the opportunity to be in His presence, LIGHT, is reason enough for us to know His love: we don’t have to stay in the dark any longer. All of His characteristics become visible for us: peace, goodness, kindness, beauty, full of glory, holiness, righteousness, just, merciful, grace-giving…each show us His love for us. What’s so amazing about His love is that He pursued us and loved us when we hated Him! When we were still enemies, Christ died for us! God’s love is beyond belief. If you have any doubt about the way our Faithful Father loves you, trust His Word and the experience of millions of others, God’s love for you knows no bounds. He never stops, never backs away, never gives up loving you. Psalm 43.3-4 says, “Send out your light and your truth; let them guide me. Let them lead me to your holy mountain, to the place where you live. There I will go to the altar of God, to God—the source of all my joy!” Not only is this faithful God real, He is FOR US! Ask Him to lead you and He will! Trust Him to take you to places that are good, safe and rewarding. 

If you are wondering whether or not God exists, try asking Him to show Himself to you. I promise, you won’t regret the answer!  
