Tue January 23, 2024

By Bren Yocom


Judge Crane Issues Statement on Hempstead County Roads

Hempstead County Judge Hempstead County Road Department
Judge Crane Issues Statement on Hempstead County Roads
As continual rain and flooding plagues our county roads in Hempstead County communities, the Hempstead County Judge, Jerry T. Crane and our Road Department realize that driving conditions are treacherous/dangerous.  

However, please be patient with us as we are cautious to place large equipment in certain flooded areas, to provide dirt, gravel or perform other services until the abundant rainfall has subsided.

We would appreciate any information you can provide regarding impassable or obstructed locations/roads.  You can call us at 870-777-3680 or 870-777-6164 to report this information.

Please use extreme caution when driving in these flooded/hazardous areas, and remember to turn around, don’t drown.
