Judy Flowers Announces Candidacy for Treasurer 2022

Press release, Treasurer, Judy Lee Flowers

I would like to take this time to thank you for allowing me to serve the great citizens of Hope & Hempstead County as your Treasurer since 2011.

I have once again filed as a candidate for re-election to seek my sixth term as your County Treasurer in the upcoming 2022 election. I would now like to ask each and every one of you for your vote and support in the upcoming May primary.

As many of you know I have recently had a health scare. I am still asking you for your prayers as I regain strength. Don’t worry my mind is as sharp as ever and I am fully prepared to continue on as your treasurer if the great citizens of Hope & Hempstead County see fit. I would also like to thank each and every one of you for the prayers for my family and myself throughout this journey. They were definitely felt and appreciated. I am here through the grace of God and ready and willing to continue to serve each and every one of you.

Thanks again to all of you from Hope and Hempstead County for the confidence you have placed in me as your TREASURER.  I will make the same promise as I did when we started this journey.  I will do this job to the best of my ability, for you the people of Hope and Hempstead County.
