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Wed November 06, 2024

By Jeff Smithpeters

Politics Local Politics State

Late afternoon voter wave seen at Hempstead County precincts

2024 General Election Hope Fulton Spring Hill
Late afternoon voter wave seen at Hempstead County precincts
Visits near the end of the business day to voting centers in Hope, Fulton and Spring Hill revealed numerous residents going through the process. In Arkansas polls close at 7:30 p.m, but all those still in line at that time will be allowed to vote.

In Hope, at the Fair Park Community Center, about half a dozen voters could be seen at the machines and about four could be seen at the provisional voters' table.  As of our 5:00 p.m. visit one election worker said about 30 voters who found their registration was not in the system had voted provisionally.

At Spring Hill, in the volunteer fire department there were two voters seen.  Only three had voted provisionally as of 5:20 p.m. The total vote there was 246.

In Fulton, at the Fulton Volunteer Fire Department Headquarters there were two voters at 6:35 p.m. Five provisional votes had been taken with a total vote of 132. 

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Above: The Hope voting headquarters at the Fair Park Community Center.
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Above: Inside the Hope voting headquarters at Fair Park Community Center.
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Above: At the Spring Hill voting location at the Spring Hill Volunteer Fire Department headquarters.
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Above: At the Fulton voting headquarters in the Fulton Volunteer Fire Department station.
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Above: At the Fulton voting headquarters at the Fulton Volunteer Fire station.
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Above: At the Fulton voting headquarters at the Fulton Volunteer Fire Department.
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Above: Fulton voting headquarters at the Fulton Volunteer Fire Department station.
