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Fri July 01, 2022

By Jeff Smithpeters


Lions Club install new officers for 2022-23, name award winners

Lions Club install new officers for 2022-23, name award winners

Three of the Lions Club new officers attended the banquet Monday night. From left, First Vice President Steve Montgomery, Second Vice President Milko Smith and Third Vice President Steve Atchley.

By Mark Ross

The Hope Lions Club recently held its annual Introduction of Officers at Hempstead Hall. The new officers were installed and sworn in by Lions District 7-L district Governor Rene Roberts.

They will be Dr. Charles Looney, First Vice President Steve Montgomery, Second Vice President Milko Smith and Third Vice President Steve Atchley. Also installed were Secretary Karen Smith and Assistant Secretary John Collier. Treasurer will be Debbie Marsh and Assistant Treasurer will be Bobby Loe.

Tail Twisters will be Pattie Bradford, Eddie Garcia and Craig Robinson. The Lions Tamers will consist of Jack Still and Ed Flagg. Safety & Response Officer will be James Bradford. Don Freel was introduced as the LCIF Chairperson, Claudia Griffin as Global Service Team Coordinator and Mark Ross as the Global Membership Team Coordinator.

Three different types of awards were also given out during the banquet. The Edwin Dalstrom awards went to James Bradford, Pattie Bradford and Janet Choate

The Melvin Jones awards for were given to Bobby Loe, Milko Smith and James Griffin. The Roy Kumpe awards went to Eddie Garcia, Robin Lee, Don Freel, Bill Freeman and Don Worthy.

The last award of the night was introduced by last year’s recipient of  “Lion of the Year,” Eddie Garcia. Garcia named this year’s recipient as Karen Smith.
