The 2021-2022 Hope Junior Auxiliary Executive Board
L-R Back Row: Lyndsi Easterling (President), Sharon Caldwell (Projects), Stephanie Mendoza (Education), Linsey Kirkpatrick (Treasurer), Jen Hawley (Membership), Holli Boyett (Public Relations)
Seated: Lindsey Johnson (Co-Treasurer), Mary Berry (Ex Ffficio), Aley Mendoza (Vice President), Shari Smith (Parliamentarian). Not pictured: Regina Sooter, Amanda Lance, Kaitlyn Burke
Press Release, Holli Boyett, Junior Auxiliary of Hope, AR Public Relations
Hope, Ark. The Hope chapter of Junior Auxiliary has begun a new program year. The
organization, whose primary focus is helping children and meeting community needs, has several
projects planned for the upcoming year.
“Some of the things we have planned for this program year are our Annual Spaghetti Supper,
Glow Golf Tournament, Baggo Tournament and our new Bunko event. These fundraisers are
used for Scholarships for seniors in Hempstead County,” said incoming president Lyndsi
Easterling. “This year, students from Hope, Spring Hill, Blevins and Garrett Memorial received
scholarships funded by events like these,” said Easterling.
One of the JA chapters biggest projects is Sweet Reads. Members of Junior Auxiliary go into
first grade classrooms in Hempstead County and read to children. Students are all given a take home book to encourage family literacy engagement and to aide in building home libraries.
The chapter also plans to have service events like Train Days, Canned Food Drive, Breakfast
with Santa, Trunk or Treat Downtown and National Night Out to interact with and aide
community members. They will also help with coat donations and school supplies as needed.
Anyone interested in learning more about joining the Junior Auxiliary of Hope, may contact
Easterling at [email protected].