Miss Arkansas visits Hempstead Hall today to speak to students about online responsibility

Photo by Holli Boyette


Southwest Arkansas Education Cooperative hosted Miss Arkansas at Hempstead Hall today to speak to students from area schools on her platform "A Responsible Digital You."

Ebony Mitchell, the 2022 Miss Arkansas, provided students and community members with online safety tips such as "don't add people you don't know" and "be kind online." The presentation was followed by a meet and greet. The event was organized by Lori Arnette, the Southwest Arkansas Education Cooperative Community Health Nurse. Southwest Arkansas Education Cooperative provides services to 9 member districts in Southwest Arkansas. Visit their website at www.swaec.org.

The attached photos are Miss Arkansas with SWAEC Community Health Nurse Lori Arnette and Miss Arkansas with students from HAPS and the Fouke School District.
