Tue September 24, 2024

By Press Release

Movies from the Past: Mary Poppins on October 5
Hempstead County has had different movie theatres over the years from the Saenger Theatre to the Dixie Drive-In. The Hempstead County Historical Society in partnership with the Hope Downtown Network, will show Disney’s “Mary Poppins” as part of the evening festivities of the “Taste of Hope: Diners and Drive-Ins of Hope” event on Saturday, October 5 at 8pm. The movie “Mary Poppins” was first shown in Hope in August 1966.

 The movie will be shown at the Pocket Park in downtown Hope located at 104 East 2nd Street. Admission is FREE. Bring your own lawn chair. 

The Historical Society seeks to bring awareness to the rich heritage and history of Hempstead County. Come and share your history with us. 

 If you have any questions concerning the event itself call 870-703-8256 or email [email protected]. 
