September 10 General Body Meeting 6:00 p.m., 320 E. 6th St., Hope
· Members vote on the Place and Branch Election Date and Time to occur in November
· Members elect the Nominating Committee consisting of 5 - 15 members. No more than 2 of these committee members are Officers and/or a member of the Executive Committee.
· Eligible Candidates pick up Candidate Consent Form and Nominating Petition (A certified eligible candidate is a bona fide member of the Branch by April 1, 2024 and lives and/or works in the jurisdiction of the Branch.)
October 8 General Body Meeting 6:00 p.m., 320 E. 6th St., Hope
· Nominating Committee presents report, including nominations from the Chair, a member of the Nominating Committee, or the floor
· After candidates are verified and identified, the Election Supervisory Committee consisting of five members is elected.
· The number of eligible voters established before voting begins.
November Election (Place and Branch Election Date and Time chosen in September)
Online election using Election Buddy Polls will remain open for at least 4 hours and anyone in line at the time polls close must be allowed to vote. Once all voting has been completed the tallying of ballots can start.