Wed October 12, 2022

By April Lovette

Nevada County Quorum Court approves appropriation ordinance for Tax Collector's  deputy

The Nevada County Quorum Court met for their October meeting last night, and with Judge Glass out for a family emergency, JP Cummings facilitated the meeting. Court members approved the appropriations ordinance for the Collector’s deputy.  A few months ago, court members discussed and approved the change of the part-time deputy to full-time, but numbers weren’t available at that time. Last night, Nevada County Clerk Julie Oliver provided the quorum court with the figures and it was approved. A few court members reiterated that this position only be full-time until the end of the year.

During committee reports, Chamber Director Jamie Hillery informed court members of the success of the Fall Festival the previous Saturday, saying that there were around 60 vendors plus numerous local businesses, churches, and organizations in attendance. She said it was one of the biggest crowds the Fall Festival has ever seen and that people appeared to really enjoy the day. Hillery also shared a few upcoming events. Trick or Treat on Elm Street will be October 31st and the Nevada County Depot Museum will be holding a Prairie D”Ane Battlefield reenactment soon.

During Nevada County Extension Agent Stone’s report, he updated court members on the progress of fair season. He said around 42 kids participated in the county fair and over 20 have and will participate in district, the Arkansas Youth Expo, and state fair. Stone also informed the quorum court that the opening for the 4-H agent is still open and that they are hopeful the position will be filled soon.

In old business, JP Pruitt said the culvert has been placed at the Nubbin Hill Bridge. 

Court members changed the day for next month’s meeting since the scheduled QC meeting would fall on election day. Court members agreed to meet on Monday, November 7th for the next Nevada County Quorum Court meeting. 

In other business, Cummings said Judge Glass requested the court to discuss another issue. He said Glass has met with Caterpillar and the insurance people and that they are working through the situation with the road grader and bush hog. He said the tractor and road grader both will be totaled, and that he wants to get a new tractor as soon as possible and the road grader later. Cummings said the new tractor would cost "$167,000 and some change" and could be delivered quickly. He said Glass wants to use Covid money to pay for it and then reimburse it when the insurance settles. JP's Grimes and Stockton asked about the certainty of insurance paying and what the predicted amount would be. Cummings said the county could use Sourcewell, an organization that assists in purchases if the entity feels they are getting a fair price.

EDO Director Mary Godwin asked specifically which fund the money would come from, covid or rescue money. She said if it was rescue money then it would have to be bid out. JP Wilson asked that the court table the issue so Godwin could check the guidelines first. Then JP Stockton said there was only $43,000 left in covid relief which wouldn’t cover the cost anyway. JP Bailey suggested they bid it out anyway to ensure they were covering all the rules. Further discussion was held where it was stated that more money would come with the rescue funds. They all agreed to table the issue until further investigation could be held.

Cummings then shared with fellow court members that he attended a meeting with the sheriff where he learned that Arkansas is ranked fourth in the nation for violent crimes. In Arkansas, he said, the top six reasons people are in prison are for rape, murder in the first, aggravated robbery, sexual assault, residential burglary, and robbery, in that order. He also said he was told that other counties aren’t arresting nonviolent criminals because of overcrowding in jails, and that this county's own jail had 72 inmates in-house last week. Cummings said that sheriffs and other officials are hoping a new maximum security prison can be built.

As the meeting came to a close, JP Grimes said she had received several calls about the Potlatch issue and asked Godwin if she could share info. Grimes said, “We need businesses.” JP Pruitt said he had also received calls. Godwin said she couldn’t discuss it in the meeting with the press there, due to confidentiality issues, and that they could visit after the meeting. Godwin also told the quorum court that she would be happy to answer any questions and that when they received calls from their constituents to direct them to her.
