Wed December 15, 2021

By April Lovette


Nevada County Quorum Court Approves Premium Pay for County Employees and Elected Officials

Nevada County Quorum Court Nevada County Premium Pay Raise Judge Mark Glass Nubbin Hill Bridge
Nevada County Quorum Court Approves Premium Pay for County Employees and Elected Officials

The Nevada County Quorum Court held their December meeting this evening and approved the $2 an hour premium pay for county employees and elected officials. As described in the American Rescue Plan (ARP), these employees are described as essential workers who were present on the job during the public COVID-19 health crisis and will receive a $2 an hour premium pay for that time period. This is to be received in one lump sum with the regular taxes and deductions taken out.

A few of the JP's shared that earlier in the day Quorum Court members met with a representative from Southwest Arkansas Planning and Development who explained the ARP funds purpose and answered questions regarding appropriations. Many claimed the meeting was beneficial, and now that they understood more clearly the rules and regulations regarding the funds they wanted to vote on the premium pay. A few still had concerns and stated that maybe it would be helpful to hire a consultant or take more time on the issue, but when the motion was made to vote, it was approved unanimously. The premium pay for hourly employees and elected officials was split into two separate ordinances, and Ordinance No. 14 to move funds from the ARP funds to the county budget for premium pay for hourly workers was approved, as well as Ordinance No. 15 doing the same for elected officials, excluding Justices of the Peace.

In other business, the budget for 2022 was approved. Changes made to the budget consisted of moving the commissary fund into its own separate budget to better account for revenue, and moving telephone and postage to the county general fund. Another change was the adjustment of next year’s Christmas bonus from $650 to $600 with the promise that if any money was leftover at the end of the year, it would go toward the bonuses. The budget committee also discussed plans of meeting monthly instead of quarterly to better monitor budget fluctuations and the intention of including department heads to the meetings.

In old business, Judge Mark Glass shared with the court that the Nubbin Hill Bridge was due to be in the January levy for the State Highway Department.

Also during the meeting, the Quorum Court approved emergency Ordinance 21-13:  the adoption of a federal grant award administration policy described as an essential policy showing the county is in compliance with the federal regulations regarding grants. 

This was the last meeting of the Nevada County Quorum Court for 2021. The next meeting will be January 11, 2022.

Stay tuned to SWARK.Today in 2022 for the latest in breaking news and sports coverage.
