Wed May 24, 2023

By Jeff Smithpeters


Nevada County Quorum Court approves raises for county courthouse staff, CDL-drivers

Nevada County Quorum Court Mike Otwell Nevada County Raises
Nevada County Quorum Court approves raises for county courthouse staff, CDL-drivers

A special meeting of the Nevada County Quorum Court took place in the courthouse beginning at 5:30 Tuesday afternoon. The Justices of the Peace voted unanimously to raise the pay of all courthouse staff to $13 an hour and all the county’s CDL-licensed drivers to $14 an hour.

The vote for this proposal came after County Judge Mike Otwell reconvened the court a few minutes after adjourning a previous session. In that session the JPs unanimously passed a motion to bring both courthouse workers and CDL-licensed drivers up to $14. But after adjournment, it was decided the amount was wrong. The court then reconvened to annul the previous measure and make the raises for courthouse workers $13 instead with CDL-drivers retaining their $14 an hour raise.

Also in the earlier session, the court approved a $1 raise per hour for part-time courthouse workers. This decision was not annulled or revisited in the next session.
