Tue October 12, 2021

By April Lovette


Nevada County Quorum Court gets update on Nubbin Hill Bridge Project

Nevada County Nevada County Quorum Court
Nevada County Quorum Court gets update on Nubbin Hill Bridge Project

The Nevada County Quorum Court met this evening and Judge Glass provided an update on the Nubbin Hill Bridge Project. Glass said the city and county both have finished their portions of the pre-construction process and once the state completes its part, then construction would begin. The estimation, as of tonight, for the start of construction is sometime after the new year. In the interim, however, Judge Glass said he feels confident that the the present conditions of the area will hold up until construction can start.

In other business, while reviewing the financial statement, JP Grimes requested a more detailed list of the financials so the court can review specifically which expenditures received relief funds from CARES or ARP. Judge Glass agreed with the request and conveyed how court members could review itemized statements. JP Wilson then asked if the court could possibly obtain a guest speaker who would provide a clear-cut explanation about how exactly the relief funds can be used. Mary Godwin, Director of Economic Development, said that this was definitely a possibility. She also shared with court members that the state is still deciding which grants and programs will receive allocations; therefore, it is best for the city and county both to wait on making those decisions in case they receive more funding from the state level. Judge Glass then shared an example of how a citizen was able to receive a grant to fund the installation of broadband internet to be received in his part of Nevada County. So now the county doesn't have to spend any money and, upon completion of the project, broadband internet will reach almost to Bodcaw. The financial statement was approved.

During the committee reports, Godwin shared with the court the latest census numbers of Nevada County, the cities of the county, and surrounding counties. Nevada County is down 687 residents from ten years ago, but that number is lower than surrounding county losses.

In other updates, Nevada County Clerk Julie Oliver shared with the court that the process of redistricting is still taking place. She said a company has been hired to complete this process and by the end of the month the results will be ready. November is when new districts will be approved.

No new business was discussed tonight and the meeting was adjourned.
