Nevada High graduates 25 Thursday night

Invoking the lyrics to the Lee Ann Womack-sung and Mark Wright-penned classic “I Hope You Dance,” Nevada Public Schools Superintendent Roy McCoy wished the graduating senior class of 2023 to choose to enjoy themselves in whatever decisions they make for their futures last night in Nevada High School Gymnasium.

Twenty-five graduates-to-be made their way around the gym and sat in their seats just after 7:00 p.m. in the south side of the court as a near-capacity crowd of family members, teachers, staff and friends looked on, contributing claps and cheers at speakers as they finished and at graduates as they accepted their diplomas.

The commencement began with an invocation by senior Kemyah Jackson, who prayed, “Please fill our minds with vision as we begin new adventures. May each graduate be blessed with friendships, Father. As we dedicate this celebration to you, we thank you for guiding us all.”

Next, Nevada High School Principal Tonda Pennington, in Opening Remarks, said, “Graduates, we’re very proud of you. We look forward to seeing you make the world a better place.”

Nakia Prater, Highest Honors recipient, gave the Honors’ Address. While she admitted to the difficulties of keeping good grades, she said she found value in what she gained from the process. “We have learned and taught ourselves many lessons in and outside of the classroom, from the essays we typed, all the math problems we solved, books we read and all the wonderful and dreadful experiences that we had.”

The trip the honors students took to New York City last December stood out for Prater as “one of the greatest experiences of all our school years, but all because we managed to overcome our struggles and stay above water.”

For the Teacher Appreciation speeches, High Honors recipient Kaylie Russo told of joining Nevada High School in her tenth-grade year. “The teachers here helped me to become more confident with my work and myself,” she said. Tyneshia Young, Highest Honors recipient, thanked teachers “who have believed in us and supported us throughout our school years as difficult as it may have been.” She resumed, “Thank you to the teachers that have been here for all of us throughout our senior year … those who always kept us in check and made sure we were in class.”

Young had the teachers sitting in the southeast seats stand for a round of applause.

The Parent Appreciation speeches were given by Highest Honors recipient Lily Hampton and Honors recipient LaQualion Christopher. Hampton began by observing, “It’s important to know that we would not be here if it weren’t for a handful of very special people in our lives. Each of us have teachers, friends, family members to thank but, most of all, we have our parents.” Christopher said to the parents of the class of 2023, “We can’t thank you enough for being with us on this journey … thank you for your sacrifices.”

As they resumed their seats, the chorus of the Senior Class of 2023’s chosen song, Boys II Men’s “End of the Road” was played:

Although we've come
To the end of the road
Still I can't let go
It's unnatural
You belong to me
I belong to you.

On the note of lasting friendships, JaNiya Harper, Highest Honors recipient, gave the Class Farewell Speech. “On this special day,” she said, “let’s all make a promise that we will stay in touch.” She commended Nevada’s teachers for their work and added, “We are ready to take on the next challenge in life.”

Giving the Administrative Address, Nevada Public Schools Superintendent Roy McCoy started by saying, “Just like the famous actress Elizabeth Taylor told her husbands, ‘I won’t keep you long.’”  He said the occasion prompted him to remember the lyrics of the 2000 song “I Hope You Dance,” which was in part written by Fayetteville, Arkansas-native Mark Wright:

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder

You get your fill to eat, but always keep that hunger

May you never take one single breath for granted

God forbid love ever leave you empty-handed

I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean

Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens

Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance

I hope you dance

“As you’re about to enter the world … some of those choices will be easy. Do you drink Coke or Dr. Pepper? Some will be life-changing decisions, like career choices. I can’t promise you these will be easy-to-make decisions, but I can tell you I believe in you because you believed in yourself enough to make tonight possible,” McCoy said.

At that point, Pennington came to the podium again to make the following pronouncement: “I confer on each of you the high school diploma, together with all the rights, privileges and responsibilities. Congratulations, you may now move your tassels.”

The graduates did so.  The Benediction was then said by High Honors Graduate Kennedy Messer. “Lord, thank you for the staff, the teachers, our family and loved ones who have given their time and energy. As one chapter in our lives closes and a new one begins, we offer our services to you.”

McCoy made the presentation. “It is my privilege and honor to introduce to you the Nevada Class of 2023 graduate class.”

The mortars were then tossed toward the Nevada High School Gymnasium’s rafters.
