Tue June 14, 2022

By Shelly B Short

New Electromechanical Technology Degrees Available at UA Hope-Texarkana

Casey Curtis, Communications Coordinator

HOPE/TEXARKANA, AR – June 14, 2022

The University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana has added new degrees in Electromechanical Technology to the technical and industrial program offerings. The Technical Certificate and Associate of Applied Science degree in Electromechanical Technology combine the coursework of multi-craft maintenance and machining with industrial electricity to create a program that teaches students a wide variety of employable technical skills.

“Employers in our area are actively recruiting individuals with both maintenance and electrical training,” Laura Clark, Vice Chancellor for Academics, said. “Employers such as Tyson, Georgia-Pacific, and Xylem have these positions open with salary ranges from $50,000-$79,000. Electromechanical Technology jobs require skills in both electricity and maintenance/machining. Combining these programs will allow UAHT graduates to have both sets of skills upon graduation and a highly employable degree.”

Courses in the program include:

  • Basic Electricity

  • Residential Wiring

  • National Electric Code

  • Industrial Motors and Controls

  • Blueprint Reading

  • Mechanical Devices and Systems

  • Programmable Control Logics

  • Industrial and Commercial Wiring

  • Introduction to Machining

  • Hydraulics/Pneumatics

  • Basic Lathe Operations

  • Basic Knee Mill Operations

  • Welding

  • And more!

To register for classes, contact the Purtle Advising Center at 870-722-8124 or email pac@uaht.edu.
