Nutritional Director of Hope Public Schools Deanna Gilbert describes the district's plans for a Back to School Bash to be held in Fair Park starting at 5:00 p.m. on August 24th.
The Hope Lions Club heard from Deanna Gilbert, Nutritional Director of Hope Public Schools on Monday. She told the Lions the Hope Schools Back to School Bash is set for August 24th at Fair Park from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Gilbert said the bash was moved from downtown because more space was needed. All students are invited. Events include drawings for gift cards, inflatables, free hot dogs, chips, and water, and free snow cones.
Last year’s event drew over 1,000 people.
Gilbert said the Farm Bureau Women’s group will be on hand to help along with the Cooperative Extension Service, the Southwest Arkansas Arts council, Hope Police Department and the Hope Fire Department. The event is sponsored by a partnership that includes Hope Public Schools, Farmers Bank and the Hope-Hempstead Chamber of Commerce.
Volunteers are needed to help.  For information on how to help, contact Gilbert through the Hope Public Schools.