Pocket Park ribbon cutting attracts crowd this morning

Attendees at the ribbon cutting for the Pocket Park on East Second in Hope this morning.

Ribbon was cut at Hope's Pocket Park, a spot of green contrasting with the concrete, brick and blacktop surrounding it on East Second, with many looking on.

First, Mayor Don Still, at the crack of 9:00 a.m., made a speech thanking those who made the Pocket Park possible. "I hate that [former Hope City Manager] Catherine [Cook] couldn't be here. She was one of the driving forces. This is one of the things she was hoping to finish before she retired," he began, then asked the members of the Hope Board of Directors present to raise their hands and then those from the Hope Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism.

"I think everybody got to work on this," he continued. "We had Hope Water & Light come and bury a a cable ... I'd like to thank everybody. And this would never have happened without the Downtown Network. The revitalization of downtown, this is a part of that."

He asked City Manager J.R. Wilson if he had any words. "Thanks for everybody's cooperation and coming together. If there's anything I can do for you, let me know," he said.

Still said, gesturing toward Parks Superintendent Summer Powell whose department is responsible for the upkeep of the Pocket Park. "This is your baby," but also asked that Hope citizens take part in taking care of the property. "Now if you see something just pick it up it well. I wish we could take more pride in the city. But it all starts with us one at a time so if you see something, just call us or just take care of it."

At this point Still ushered the attendees toward the center of the park to take a group picture. Other pictures taken at the park are shown in the gallery below.
