Tue July 28, 2020

By Shelly B Short

Powell's Pumpkins

Landen and Remington Powell, sons of Josh and April Powell of Guernsey, Ar have grown a very plump pumpkin, weighing in at one hundred and six pounds. The pumpkin was weighed on a certified scale at the farm store in Hope.

The boys began planting seeds in early March with the onset of COVID-19 as a family project. They initially planted the seeds in the house as an experiment to see how big they could grow one before they moved them outside. It took about one hundred days for the pumpkin to grow to size.

This is the first year they have planted pumpkins. In previous years the hard working boys have planted and grown watermelons. The largest watermelon weighing in at a whopping one hundred and forty -six pounds.

When asked about the process of growing such amazing melons and pumpkins the Powell boys had this to say, "It was hot and a lot of hard work but we are ready to try it again."

Now they are getting ready to plant again in hopes of winning the weigh in at Old Washington in September sponsored by the Greater Common Wealth Pumpkin Association.
