Prescott City Council Applauds Chief Ann Jordan

The Prescott City Council held its first meeting of 2022 last night and began the year with various items on the agenda.

After roll call, prayer, and the pledge, the council approved the December 2021 minutes and financials. Then, Chamber Director Jamie Hillery gave her committee report to the council and updated them on current news from the Prescott Nevada County Chamber of Commerce. Hillery said the recent COVID-19 cases are slowing down local community events like ribbon cuttings and community coffees, but that she and other chamber members are getting a little creative with planning. One such event that is being discussed is a Sesquicentennial Celebration: the 150 year anniversary of Nevada County. She said she hopes for this to happen in the spring.

Chief Ann Jordan was present with a guest group of law enforcement officers who were introduced to the council during her report. The Prescott Police Department now has nine total officers. One new hire she introduced to council members is actually an officer who worked in Prescott before in 1995. Joey Grayson began his law enforcement career in Prescott and worked in the community until 1998 when he moved and joined U.S. Border Patrol. After 23 years with them, living in multiple states and working with various agencies, Grayson said he hopes to bring those many experiences with him back to the department. Chief Jordan also introduced newcomer Edward Gulley to the council, as well as the other officers in attendance: Wes Wright, Caleb Rogers, and David Thomason.

Next, the Mayor introduced the topic of the 2020 Audit Report to the council to be read for approval. City Accountant Carl Dalrymple advised council members on the most important parts of the audit. He also shared with the group that the city’s audit received a clean opinion which means the city and its audit are in good shape. The 2020 Audit was approved. 

Then, Mayor Oliver recognized Chief Ann Jordan who was voted Prescott City Employee of the Year. This honor was voted on by all city employees and this is Chief Jordan’s second time to earn this title. She won it in 2019. Council members gave her a round of applause and congratulated her for the win.

Following that was the discussion and approval of the 2022 Budget. Council Member Austin suggested inviting the department heads to a city council meeting in the future to discuss their needs. He said he would like to allow them the opportunity to voice any issues or concerns they may have. The council then voted, and the 2022 Budget was approved.  

In other business, the council voted to keep the same day and times for meeting each month, and the Council voted and approved another five year term for LaKeshia Stuckey on the Parks Commission. 

There were no citizen requests for the night, and the meeting was then adjourned. 
