Tue April 18, 2023

By April Lovette


Prescott City Council discusses plans for junk cars in yards

Prescott City Council Bruce Bean Mary Godwin
Prescott City Council discusses plans for junk cars in yards

The Prescott City Council held their April meeting last night, and since their were no new items on the agenda, the short meeting centered around a discussion on how to deal with junk cars and other hazards or eyesores in yards around town. Bruce Bean facilitated the meeting since Mayor Oliver could not be present.

EDO Director Mary Godwin's committee report was the only item listed on the agenda, and she shared with council members the latest sales tax report, as well as an update on Leadership Nevada County. Then she asked them for guidance on a previous issue that they requested be investigated: how to handle junk cars that sit for long periods of time in yards located inside the city limits. The discussion then turned to other items that can be hazardous, like old trailers or tractors, and how to handle consequences should a citizen not comply with the request of removal. Godwin shared with them and the city attorney the info she found when looking at how other cities handle this issue, and council members asked that the issue be tabled until the city attorney had time to explore this matter, too. One factor remained consistent throughout the conversation, though; all agreed that the protocols and consequences to be decided should remain consistent across the board and communicated clearly to citizens.

At the end of the meeting, one citizen asked a question about the cost and line items on electric bills, but since Electric Operations Manager Larry Jones was out sick, Bruce Bean directed her to come by the office when Jones was back so he could answer her questions.