Mon March 21, 2022

By April Lovette


Prescott City Council: Hightower resigns, Loe honored, City opposes placement of tower on historic site

Prescott City Council Robert Loe Jerry Hightower Mayor Terry Olliver Up Communications Tower
Prescott City Council: Hightower resigns, Loe honored, City opposes placement of tower on historic site

Prescott City Council 3-21-2022

The complete Prescott City Council Meeting for March 21, 2022 can be watched HERE at SWARK.Today. Below are a few highlights of the meeting.

After prayer, pledge, and roll call, the Prescot City Council approved the public hearing minutes, meeting minutes, and financials for February, then moved on to reports.

During EDO Director Mary Godwin’s report, she informed council members that a letter was received from GSS, a tower company out of Iowa, who stated that Union Pacific (UP) wants to put up a communications tower (for UP purposes only) in the downtown area right beside the Depot Museum Caboose. Godwin said she checked the historic registry and that area of land is listed. She said more options are being looked at to see what can be done about the placement of the tower here and that the city attorney is checking into it, as well. After asking the council their thoughts on the matter, the possibility of alternate locations, the location of utility easements, zoning classifications, and opinions regarding the effect of the tower on the downtown area were discussed. The result was the approval of a motion to oppose this tower placement on the historical site. Godwin also said the Depot Museum, the EDO, and businesses around town are writing letters of public comment to oppose this placement.

Godwin also informed the Council that the first round of houses to come down in the city cleanup project will happen in April. She said they are waiting on Centerpoint Energy to make sure no live gas is in those locations and approval from the ADEQ before proceeding. Godwin also updated the council about the L.J. Earnest property on Webb St. which was donated to the city, saying all paperwork has been finalized. She also updated council members on two men, John and L.T., who have been picking up trash around the city. She said they have picked up several bags of trash on various streets around the city and are making a dent in the cleanup. Council members expressed their appreciation for this work.

Perry Nelson, Prescott Water and Sewer Supervisor, requested the approval of A.L. Franks as the city engineer.  Every year the city must select an engineer to provide services for city projects. Nelson said that after reviewing qualifications from eight engineers who responded to a public notice, he recommends the city stay with A.L. Franks, whom they have successfully worked with in the past. The motion was approved.

As the meeting was winding down, Mayor Terry Oliver took a moment to recognize City Clerk Robert Loe on his last night for his years of service. As Loe accepted a plaque, he thanked council members for all the years of kindness and service together.

Right before the close of the meeting, Mayor Oliver read the resignation letter from Council member Jerry Hightower. Hightower said life changes with job and location were the reason he was resigning and expressed gratitude to the city and its citizens for their trust in his service over the years, Hightower said he and his wife plan to become U.S. missionaries to veterans, first responders, and active duty military in the U.S. and abroad. Hightower said he would still come visit and asked that he still continue to put on the fireworks show for the community on 4th of July each year.

Council Member Curry gave recognition to the Prescott Police Department and expressed gratitude for their attendance at the Spring Break Funday community event last weekend. He said he and other citizens enjoyed watching the community police force build relationships with the children.

Mary Godwin announced that Arbor Day is April 7th and trees will be planted at the volleyball court at 10 am. More announcements for Arbor Day are to come.

To watch the full Prescott City Council meeting, click HERE.
