Fri December 09, 2022

By Jeff Smithpeters

Prescott High sends FCCLA members to Fall Leadership Conference in Nashville to showcase community service projects

Members in attendance were front row, Shuntrella Johnson and Eshal Moloo. Second row: Steven Hunter Hicks, Apple Haynes, Breanna Haddix, and Tavan Toliver. Third row: Feriel MhedhBi, Nelda Chavez, R’Moni Jamerson and Baleigh Launghard. Back row: Alantie Spratt, Khel’Shanti Murphy and Marnie Buck.


Members of the Prescott High Chapter of Family Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) attended the Arkansas Association Region V Fall Leadership Conference on December 7, 2022 at Nashville High School. The chapter was recognized for its involvement in community service efforts that align with the national and state themes, “Better Together” and “ Let’s Keep Arkansas Beautiful."

The chapter has participated in the following community activities: Nevada County Fair- Educational Booth, Regions V’s Degray Lake Clean Up, Trick or Treat on Elm Street, and fed local veterans on Veterans Day. The FCCLA chapter has also adopted the Hamilton Haven House as their local Beautification project for the year.

Tavan Toliver received a bronze medal for his participation in the Region’s Students Taking Action with Recognition (STAR) Events.  Tavan competed in an oral speaking competition, giving a Professional Presentation entitled “The Invisible Scars of Bullying."  He will compete on the state level in April.

Breanna Haddix chapter president was installed as the 2023-2024  Region V Vice President of Community Service. 
