Thu December 10, 2020

By Shelly B Short


Prescott -Nevada County to Hold Ribbon Tying Celebration at 1st Fitness and Tanning

Ribbon Cutting Prescott Nevada County Chamber Of Commerce Ribbon Tying
Prescott -Nevada County to Hold Ribbon Tying Celebration at 1st Fitness and Tanning
Jamie Hillary

The Prescott-Nevada County is going to hold our first ever Ribbon Tying Celebration. Much like a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony this event will be held to congratulate and welcome a new business to our Community!
1st Fitness and Tanning located at 303 E. 3rd St. South will be celebrating their Ribbon Tying Ceremony on Friday, December 18th from 8am until 4pm.
How this will work!! With Covid-19 cases continuing, we are not able to hold a traditional Ribbon Cutting event where we all gather and take a large group photo and cut the red ribbon with the oversized scissors. We have gotten creative and came up with a Ribbon Tying Ceremony. Tying a ribbon symbolizes uniting this business and the Prescott-Nevada County Community!
All are invited to drop in and write a sweet welcome note on a ribbon provided and tie it to a large wreath that will be displayed at the front of the location. While you are there take a tour of the gym, tanning and shopping available!
At the end of the event all of your messages will be given to the owner with all of your well wishes and words of encouragement.

*If you are not comfortable at this time with attending in person, please call the Chamber of Commerce office at 870-887-2101 and we will fill your Red Ribbon out for you and tie it to the wreath to make sure the owner hears your kind words and well wishes!
