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Mon February 07, 2022

By Drew Gladden


Prescott Officer of the Week - Edward Gulley

Prescott Officer of the Week - Edward Gulley

The spotlight is on our newest officer Edward Gulley. Officer Gulley started his career in Law Enforcement with the Arkansas Department of Corrections in Malvern Arkansas. He worked as a jailor at the Nevada County Sheriff’s office and as a Senior officer on campus of the University of Arkansas in Hope. He was then offered a position with the Prescott Police Department so once again; he is back home where he says “I will be able to serve my community with honesty and dignity. Being a minister that role would be very easy to fulfill”. Officer Gulley is a father of 6 children and a role mode to other children in the City of Prescott as well as the Hope community. He plans to do all he can to uphold a high standard as being an officer for the City of Prescott.
