Thu February 17, 2022

By Bren Yocom


Prescott Police Department Weekly Officer Spotlight, David Thomason

Prescott Police Department
Prescott Police Department Weekly Officer Spotlight, David Thomason

Officer David Thomason started his career in Law Enforcement in June of 2003 at the Prescott Police Department. From June to September of that year he was trained by then Officer Ann Jordan. Officer Thomason learned many valuable lessons from her in those three months before he went to the Aleta Police Academy in the 2003-D class in September of 2003. Officer Thomason completed the Aleta class coming in second in the class academically. After returning to Prescott and being assigned as a patrol officer, in 2006 he was promoted to Detective. Officer Thomason worked as the Detective from 2006 to 2011. Officer Thomason attended many training courses during that time to further his knowledge and assist him in his profession. Officer Thomason said "In those years he developed a lifelong friend and partner in Chief Ann Jordan, who at that time was the Assistant Chief". He went on to say "Jordan and I solved countless crimes and worked on several cold cases trying to bring resolution to the family members of those cold cases. In one of the years as Detective myself and Jordan had a property recover rate of about 75% of all thefts". In 2011 Officer Thomason left the Prescott Police Department to start a career as a Lineman for the City of Prescott Electrical Department. He said "he was thankful to Sheriff Martin and Chief Deputy Larry Miller for allowing him to work for them part-time at the Sheriff's office from 2011 to 2015. Since leaving the Police department he has become a journeyman Lineman for the city of Prescott, and also a journeyman electrician. In 2016 he returned to the Prescott Police Department Part-time working about one day a week or as needed. Most recently in September on 2021 he was asked to work as the Detective part-time for a few months until a permanent replacement was hired. Officer Thomason enjoys helping the community out and with the help of other officers he was able to solve some unsolved cases. Although he is not from Prescott or Nevada County, he has made a career in this town and plans to retire from here. Officer Thomason says "I've made many friends here and enjoy working for this community to help make it a better and safer place to work and live. Officer Thomason has three daughters and enjoys pending time with them.
