Prescott School Board renews Superintendent Robert Poole's contract for one year

Prescott Public Schools Superintendent Robert Poole (standing at left) speaks to the Prescott School Board of Directors at last night's meeting.

The Prescott School District Board of Directors voted unanimously to offer Superintendent Robert Poole a year’s renewal of his contract Thursday night.  The vote came after the board went into a nearly three-hour executive session. The open session can be viewed in the video placed above this piece.

The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Meeting Room on the Prescott Junior High Campus.  After it was called to order by President Jo Ann Glass, and a prayer was said, Poole observed that January is School Board Appreciation month presented gifts to each member from students and staff. “Every building has given something,” Poole said.  

Poole also presented certificates to each board member from the Arkansas School Board Association.

Next on the agenda was the Professional Development Hours Report for 2022, delivered by Poole, who announced that Glass, Vice President Reed Koger and member Michael Williams had completed six hours each of professional development courses.

In the next item, the board unanimously voted to approve three students transferring to the district. Then the board approved the minutes for the board’s December 15 meeting.

In his Superintendent’s Report, Poole read the latest enrollment numbers. The district serves 340 students in elementary school, 254 in junior high and 306 in high school for a tally of 900 which Poole said is up six from last month.

Next in his report, Poole said that school resource officer Colby Tillman is undergoing training in the use of a drug-sniffing dog. Accordingly, a statement needed to be added to the school district’s policy, which needed board approval. The policy specifies that if the dog detects the presence of drugs in an enclosed place, the owner of the car or locker or other object would be notified before the locker, car or other object is opened. If drugs are found, the owner would be subject to penalty by the school district.  The board unanimously voted in favor of adding this policy.

The vote finished, the board went into executive session for nearly three hours. Afterward, President Glass heard a motion to renew Superintendent Poole’s contract for one year. The motion was seconded and carried by voice vote.

The board adjourned at about 9:45 p.m.

Afterward, Board Vice President Reed Koger spoke for nearly an hour with about 12 audience members who disapproved of the decision to renew Poole’s contract due to an alleged series of unpleasant interactions between Poole, parents, staff members and other members of the community.

Koger said the issue had been addressed, that the superintendent would not communicate directly in the future with teachers, parents and students and instead school principals would. He also urged those with complaints to refrain from incivility themselves and come directly to him or any other board member with their concerns.
