Fri May 19, 2023

By April Lovette


Press Release: Arkansas NRCS Solicits Conservation Innovation Grant Proposals

Usda Arkansas Nrcs Conservation Innovation Grants Mike Sullivan
Press Release: Arkansas NRCS Solicits Conservation Innovation Grant Proposals

Little Rock, Ark., May 16, 2023– Mike Sullivan, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) state conservationist, announced approximately $300,000 in funding is available through the state Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) program to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies within Arkansas.

State, tribal, and local governmental entities; non-governmental organizations; and individuals may apply. Project proposals must be submitted by June 22, 2023, and should demonstrate the use of innovative technologies or approaches to address a natural resource concern.  Project results are expected to improve and create conservation technologies, management systems and innovative approaches (such as market-based systems).

CIG, a component of the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, is used to apply or demonstrate previously proven technology.  It does not fund research projects.  CIG is an effort to address some of the state's most pressing natural resource conservation needs. 

For Fiscal Year (FY) 2024, Arkansas NRCS will consider offering grants in the following areas: nutrient and sediment reduction in impaired watersheds; irrigation; and soil health.  Applications should be for single or multi-year projects, not to exceed three years. 

At least 10 percent of the total funds available for CIG in FY 2023 is set aside for proposals from Historically Underserved producers, veteran farmers or ranchers, and community-based organizations comprised of or representing these entities.

Selected applicants may receive grants up to 50 percent of the total project cost. Individual grant awards may not exceed $100,000 in FY 2024.  Applicants must provide non-federal matching funds of at least 50 percent of the project cost.  With the non-federal matching funds, a minimum of 25 percent must be from cash contributions; the remaining 25 percent may come from in-kind contributions.

The announcement for this CIG funding opportunity can be found at: The announcement number is USDA-NRCS-AR-CIG-23-NOFO0001298. Applications must be entered into by 11:59 p.m. on June 22, 2023. No applications will be accepted by mail.
